Friday, March 28, 2008

St. Pat's, Crawfish and boys in cute outifts

The weather has been phenomenal the past few weeks and we have been enjoying every minute. The spring has become a time of anticipated joy and fun we count on as we know that we have Harry in a kilt, crawfish in the backyard and longer days to play outside. Easter was again a great time filled with family, food and love. Seamus loves chocolate and hunting Easter eggs, nuch to the joy of my mom and my grandma. So much to be thankful for. Harry and I are more blessed than we can even comprehend.

Seamus talks non-stop and runs 100 mph from the moment he opens his eyes in the morning till he passes out each night. Kiernan is eating all sorts of new foods, has been introduced to Gerber's great invention, fruit puffs, and is desperately trying to cut some teeth. I love seeing them both dressed in such adorable "boy fancy" clothes. Have to take what I can get since there are no dresses or hair bows in this house!

I will let the photos speak for the rest of this entry.