Wednesday, August 4, 2010

KSH, Age 3

You are three. You are beautiful. You are mine. You have added joy and excitement and love and laughter to our lives. You were meant to be here, meant to be in our family, meant to be Booper. Somehow 2 years have gone by since I last posted about your first birthday. You have learned to talk in full paragraphs, you keep pace with Seamus, you are in your "big boy bed," you wear Silly Bandz, you ride a bike, you are almost using the potty full time, you can now say Seamus, instead of Shay-nus or Shay-nan. You like to dance and swing outside and watch Scooby on the fee-vee. You are also stubborn and strong and tough. You have learned a lot in three years from your brother. And you idolize him. He is your best friend. I hope that is always the case. You swim in sunglasses instead of goggles becasue the sun hurts your gorgeous blue eyes. You are charming, comical and intense. You can suck your thumb while doing almost anything, including riding your bike, swinging and sitting on the potty.

You are almost completly able to get yourself dressed and your new-found pride in doing things for yourself makes me want to squeeze you and never let go. You love to ask me to "talk about it" in the car when you want to know more about something. You tell me I am boo-tiful and that you love me so much. You warm my heart.

In two short years you, like all of us, have adjusted to life with 3 young children in 3 1/2 short years. You are in the middle of a big brother and a little sister. You love your baby sister with a passion that is fierce and tender at the same time. You kiss her, call her boo-tiful, think all her dresses are "pin-cess" dresses and love to make her laugh. You are her protector. You have never been jealous of her-- only loving and kind and gentle. Your heart is so big, Little K. Your energy and love for life is the same.
It can't be normal for a mom to be sad on every birthday, is it? Every milestone you have accomplished is huge, but now it is all lumped together as we celebrate via Batman Style on Saturday. I feel wistful and teary-eyed as I reflect on your little life so far and how much you have changed and how fast it has gone. I want to freeze you right now and hold you forever. I love you with every fiber in my being. I love you for being completely different than Seamus in every way imagineable. I love you for being like me in many ways. I love you for trying so hard to be my helper and "take care of yourself." I love you for digging your heels in when you just don't want to do something. I love you for having such good manners, espcially when we ask you to do something and you reply "no thank you." I love you.

Happy Birthday Kiernan Stevens Hardin. Happy Birthday K Boop. Happy Birthday Sweet Booper. Thank you, God, for blessing me with this amazing, charming, precious, tender, hard-headed, beautiful little soul.