Thursday, July 31, 2008

Teething + Tantrums = Weary Parents

Kiernan still has only one tooth on the bottom. And from the way he has been acting, I can only surmise that he is about to have about 6 come in at the same time. You can see the lone snaggle tooth in the picture below if you look closely.

Seamus is potty-training, and for that we are thankful. He truly is an agreeable little guy for the most part, and throws few tantrums. It just so happens that the tantrums always seem to come at the end of the day, during dinner, while the teether is also fussing.

Thankfully dinnertime also has moments like this...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sweet Action

Six years ago we got married. A truly amazing weekend that still brings a smile to my face whenever I think about. Surrounded by all of our closest friends and family, married by our two uncles, Fr. John and Fr. Paul, the New Orleans wedding I had always dreamed of...

Over the weekend I reflected a good deal on how much has happened in 6 years. The larger than life events like the buying and selling of 2 houses, several job changes and a MBA for Harry, my dad's leukemia diagnosis, Harry's dad's sickness and retirement, our trip to Rome, the loss of my grandmother, KATRINA, the fantastic and life-altering arrivals of Seamus and Kiernan, just to name a few. And we have the daily "ins and outs" of our relationship and during those days we have weathered many extremes-- an ebbing and flowing journey through times of upheaval, peace, unrest, contentment, acceptance, forgiveness, healing, pain, ecstasy, loss, celebration, achievement, failure, faith, and joy.

After being friends for so long, it was the following email on July 12, 2000 that moved my heart like nothing had ever before:

"The only thing that I can say is that you make me the person that I always want to be. I have heard people say that within relationships each person has to be happy even without their significant other. I think that it is the idea that you have to love yourself before you can love another. I don't think that is true. In fact the thought just struck me that it is kind of selfish. I believe that the person that you want to be with has to cause such joy and happiness that the very thought of that person not being around destroys the heart.The point I am trying to make without sounding like a complete fool is that I love you. When you told me that you think that you are falling for me I just wanted to hold you against me forever. I never want to be apart from you. That is another reason why it is you. You love so openly that I believe that you can never hurt me. I love you."

I knew at that moment, reading that email, that God was telling me to take Harry's heart and protect it, treasure it, love him for the rest of my life.

Marriage is something you cannot prepare for, no matter what anyone tells you. It is the biggest leap of faith I can think of. I closed my eyes, held Harry's hand and jumped on July 6, 2002. At the time we were "in love" and "best friends". Now I know what those two phrases really mean.

I have ended up with a man who is an amazing husband and a devoted and loving father. He still makes my knees weak when he kisses me and causes me to laugh at him constantly even when I don't want to. He is the funniest person I know. He is well-read, well-spoken, highly intelligent (don't tell anyone) and very respectful. He works hard, plays hard and supports me in everything I do. He listens to me almost always (God bless him!) and I want nothing more in life than to have my two precious little boys grow up to be just like him.

Happy Anniversary to the "Sweet Action" in my life. I love you more today than ever before and look forward to many more years of anniversaries and adventures.