Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I love a little boy when he...

wakes up too early so I put him in bed with us. He immediately rolls towards me, chubby little thumb in his mouth, grabs hold of my shirt in his other hand, snuggles close and falls peacefully and blissfully back asleep. I, on the other hand, stay awake, breathing in his sweet innocence and kissing his beautiful face.

I love a little boy when I pick him up at 5 pm and he yells "It's my MOMMY", immediately followed by "I want fruit snacks". Then he grabs either side of my face with his sticky, grubby little fingers and kisses me. I can't help but squeeze him back with all my might, breathing in the smell of baby soap, sweat and whatever he had for snack that day, and thanking God under my breath for blessing me with the ultimate joy of being that little boy's mother.

I love a little boy when he bounces up and down with glee, kicks his legs furiously and smiles from ear to ear whenever I walk in a room, regardless of whether I have been gone 10 seconds or 9 hours.

I love a little boy when he gives me "hugs, kisses and noses" and replies "I love joo too".

I love both little boys because they love me back, so openly and so unconditionally.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

love you, miss you

My 10 year college reunion is this weekend. As much as I love and will miss these 2 guys...
it will be so liberating to spend all weekend in Mobile with nothing to do but visit with Harry and catch up with my friends that I haven't seen in a very long time. I think it will do my soul good to go back and reminisce, maybe rejuvenate a little part of my fun-loving self that has gone by the way-side due to work, mommyhood and day to day stress. Here's to recapturing your youth for 48 hours!