Tuesday, June 16, 2009


We made it till about now before Seamus figured out that a new baby is going to arrive in September. 3 1/2 months is still an awfully long time for him to wait, but he seems to be okay with waiting for now.

I would be remiss if I did not at least jot down somewhere Seamus' comments from last night about the arrival of our new baby. We were chatting after his bath, and his favorite topic these days is "his baby" and how he/she is going to arrive. He speaks in paragraphs, and uses a lot of hand movements, so it does not really do it justice to type it on here. It went something like this...

S: I can't wait for my baby to come. My baby is going to hatch out of your belly. And when the baby hatches I will take good care of the baby. I am a good big brother. And your belly will be all broken when it hatches.

Me: No, my belly won't be all broken. I will be fine. Are you excited about the new baby?

S: I am really excited for our baby to hatch. And then your belly won't be so big anymore. I really want a baby sister, because I already have a brother. Can I watch Curious George now?

1 comment:

nancy said...

What the French, Stevens*? You don't blog, you don't FB, and suddenly you're having a baby?? This is the information age, woman - inform! :P

Seriously, congratulations. I hope all is going well.

On a side note, a friend who is expecting his first child was over tonight, and Enzo (who is now 7) suggested as names: "Sonic Rush McKeever" for a boy and "Blaze McCool McKeever" for a girl. (Enzo: "Why doesn't anyone name their baby 'Sonic'? That would be AWESOME.")

I don't know what you've got going on, but if you'd like one of those, I'm sure neither Sean nor Enzo will mind. ;)

*Yes, yes, I know it's Hardin. But you'll always be Stevens to me. :)