Tuesday, November 2, 2010

maura katherine - one year

sugar and spice and everything nice... happy first birthday to our "baby", "sweet girl", "sister", and lil' boo", a little bit late. i feel that i need to pinch myself often when i look at you. my daughter. my own little girl. the love i feel for you runs deeper than i ever thought possible. when we found out you were a girl i couldn't believe it. for days and days i had this feeling inside of just being so excited and giddy about the idea of a little girl. everything made me heart smile, from the silliness of hair bows, dresses, tutus and a Barbie dreamhouse to the notion of you and i being best friends and banning together against your dad and brothers.
you are adorable, sweet, tough and always smiling. you have been an easy-going and charming baby since the day you were born. you have managed to chew the tires off of every hot wheels car you can find, you love to dig in the dirt with your brothers, dig in cabinets and drawers, and you have an impressive vocabulary for a 13 month old. cup, da-da, ma-ma, uh-oh, sit, thank you, please, bye-bye and several other phrases which we haven't quite figured out yet. you can screech on a much higher decibel level than i think your dad has ever heard before and you give hugs, kisses and love to hand us trash off the floor to throw away. you have already had a black eye, fallen off the porch and fished in the toilet many times. when we can't find you we can go right to your brothers' room and see you digging in their nightstand drawer full of "treasures." keirnan loves you fiercely and loyally calling you only "baby." HIS baby. seamus is finding you more interesting in the last few weeks as he can impart his worldly almost-5 year- old knowledge on you about how to write with chalk instead of eat it and how to build legos. and they both love to make you laugh and have you wrestle with them on the floor.
you have added a whole new dimension to our lives and our family. i thank god every day for sending you to me, for keeping you safe during all the complications of my pregnancy and delivery and for making you such a sweet little lovable, squeezable, intoxicating bundle of love. we love you so much, baby. happy belated birthday.

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